Here's to a new beginning! After three years of college, and more importantly three years of living the college lifestyle, I've reached a point where a change needs to be made. I've been lifting weights since freshman year on and off, but have never been able to stick to a workout plan or diet strategy. The biggest problem for me is once I miss a day, I plan to make it up the next day. Then, I don't make it up for whatever reason, and plan for the following day. This cycle would ensue until I would decide to start the week again the following Monday. My diet would follow a similar cycle. The result: a lot of mass gain, definite strength gain, but no fat loss.
Then, I discovered CrossFit. In one month I've experienced huge strength gains and a fair amount of definition in my upper body. I feel stronger, more confident, and overall much better than one month ago. The thing is, I want more. To be considered a 'CrossFitter' I need to master the most important factor of living fit: the Paleo Diet.
This blog is how I expect to stay honest. Every day I'll make a new post with the details of my day, from the WOD(s) I do to the food I eat, as well as recipes and article I find within the CrossFit/Paleo community. I will update my lifting and body stats every two weeks, and post a progress picture every Sunday. Hopefully, my transformation from fat to fantastic will inspire many to do the same!